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Design Offices // WorkLab II

Rabinstraße 1
53111 Bonn

The event will be held in English.

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Back in 2016, the Oxford Dictionary selected “post-truth” as its word of the year. Some newsrooms started to mourn the truth, with journalists grieving its loss and warning of its implications for journalism. While some held onto the notion of objectivity even more tightly, our panel dares to ask a critical question: did a truth era ever exist that made sense to reclaim objectivity?

During this session, we will explore why the future of journalism lies in fairness rather than objectivity. We will delve into the opportunities and complexities that lie beyond artificial objectivity. Our speakers will provide practical insights on navigating the challenges posed by personal biases and finding a balance between opinion and values.

In a historical moment where attention is often given to nationalists and populists who exploit journalism for their own purposes, we advocate for value-driven journalism. Together, we will inspire other journalists to explore the possibilities that arise when embracing a fair approach to journalism.

Drawing from our experiences at The European Correspondent, we aim to demonstrate the transformative power of moving away from rigid objectivity. We will discuss how this shift has enabled us to amplify local voices and cultivate grassroots journalism that empowers Europe and delivers authentic storytelling.

We believe journalism needs empathy – towards the story and those who experience it, for “in Europe, we talk mostly about each other rather than with each other.” Therefore, this panel aims to introduce a new classification for news values and explore how it can be used to advocate for the public and write on their behalf.

Lastly, we will discuss how local expertise can be leveraged to inform a European audience. We will provide a practical example of our flagship production, the Billionaire's Database, to showcase how fair journalism can facilitate the collaboration of a remote team spanning every country in Europe and impact the quality of investigative journalism. Because while the rich and powerful are already organised internationally, journalism is not yet.

Martina Monti

Martina Monti

The European Correspondent

Leading Editor for Southern Europe

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Julius Fintelmann

Julius Fintelmann

The European Correspondent

Co-Founder, Editorial Director

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