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Your Festival for Journalism and constructive Dialogue

With the b° future festival, the Bonn Institute brings together all those who are committed to future-oriented journalism that is beneficial for society: critical, constructive, and geared towards the needs of the diverse people in our societies.

Preview of b° future 2024

With free live events such as podcast productions, readings and interactive discussions, we want to build bridges between the media industry and the general public – for the journalism of tomorrow!

The focus is on the many different people in our society with their diverse perspectives and needs. Will you be there too?

Parallel to the public program, there will be selected sessions for a journalistic specialist audience (with ticket).


Lilly Amankwah steht auf der Bühne und hält Moderationskarten in der Hand, links von ihr ein Regal mit dem Modell eines Gehirns, im Hintergrund das b° future Logo auf einer Leinwand.

Call for Participation

Over 220 media professionals from all over the world took part in our Call for Participation. Now our team faces the exciting task of knitting a diverse program from all the great suggestions.

Call for Participation 2024

If everything around us is changing at breakneck speed, how must journalism evolve so that it is still relevant tomorrow? That's what we want to discuss at the b° future festival.

Ellen Heinrichs, Founder and CEO of the Bonn Institute

The people behind b° future

More than 200 media professionals volunteered at the b° future festival 2023. We express our heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated!

Nic Newman und Anita Zielina auf der Bühne im Gespräch.

Speaker Overview

Here you will find an overview of our past and future speakers.

View all speakers

The b° future festival in 2023

Derrick Cain, Community Engagement Manager bei Resolve Philly, lächelnd strahlend mit einem Mikrofon in der Hand

Here is our recap of the b° future festival 2023.

View the review

These two days were an absolute whirlwind of eye-opening conversations, thought-provoking panels, and inspiring moments that left me buzzing with excitement.

Méline Laffabry, founder of aidóni

Sponsors & Partners

Mach mit beim b° team

Du möchtest beim b° future festival als Helferin oder Helfer dabei sein? Dann informier dich hier.

Unterstütze das b° future festival als Volunteer. Wir bieten:

  • Ein Ticket für das b° future festival 2024
  • Mittagsverpflegung und Getränke auf dem Festivalgelände 
  • Exklusiven Zugang und Einblick hinter die Kulissen des Festivals
