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Why b° future?

We believe that journalism needs a reboot. In an era marked by rapid change, major challenges and radical upheavals, people want the media to be a source of diverse perspectives, constructive debates, and more solutions.

The Bonn Institute is the home of constructive, human-centered journalism in Europe. And b° future is our living room.

With the b° future festival, the Bonn Institute will bring together all those who are committed to future-oriented journalism that is good for society: critical, constructive, and focused on the needs of our multi-faceted populations. We want to spark a dialogue about issues that are essential for the future and ask: How can journalism report in a way that resonates with audiences and counteracts hate speech, fake news, and polarisation – even in times of war and climate change? What can we do to ensure that journalism becomes as diverse as our societies already are?

If everything around us is changing at breakneck speed, how must journalism evolve so that it is still relevant tomorrow? That's what we want to discuss at the b° future festival.

Ellen Heinrichs, Founder and CEO of the Bonn Institute

The Idea – the Prototype

In 2023, we launched an experiment and organized the first journalism festival in Europe that is truly open to everyone – both those working in the media and their audiences. We believe that journalism has to break out of the bubble and connect with the people it was meant to serve.

Who is b° future for?

Are you a journalist? At the b° future festival we will have panel discussions, workshops, mentoring opportunities, fireside chats, and hands-on skill building. Our focus: How can journalism evolve in times of war and climate crisis constructively so that it reaches audiences? What kind of innovative formats are already out there? Who can we learn from and share knowledge with? Who will help us transform journalism for the future?

Are you interested in media and have always wanted to get a peek behind the scenes? Then come to Bonn City Centre. At various venues around town you will be able to experience journalism in action and even participate yourself. If you are considering a career in journalism, come to our job fair to meet mentors who can help guide you on your journey.