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Lea Thies heads the Günter Holland School of Journalism at Augsburger Allgemeine and is responsible for training young journalists. She is currently focusing on the topics of digital transformation, new work and resilience. She has also included the latter in her journalism training. To ensure that the trainees at Mediengruppe Pressedruck are even better equipped to meet today's challenges in the profession, they learn how to specifically reduce stress, bounce back from hate speech and take care of their mental health. Lea Thies studied Global Politics at the University of London, worked as a reporter in various editorial departments, and has been happy to have one of the most beautiful jobs in the world for over 20 years.

Lea Thies
© Martin Augsburger


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Mental Health: How to stay sane in the news business

With Irene Caselli, Lea Thies, Chiponda Chimbelu und Hannah Storm

What's the way forward to ensure that journalists can keep doing their job and staying connected with their audience during tough times?
