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Çağrı Özdemir arbeitet als Redakteur beim YouTube-Kanal +90 des türkischen Dienstes der Deutschen Welle. Zuvor war er als Redakteur bei Al Jazeera English in Doha, Katar, tätig. Ebenfalls schrieb er Nachrichten, Analysen und Meinungsbeiträge für Nachrichtenagenturen wie Middle East Eye und The New Arab. Als Jean-Monnet-Stipendiat hat er an der Universität Edinburgh einen Master-Abschluss erworben. Außerdem ist er Absolvent des ersten Jahrgangs des gemeinsamen Programms für konstruktiven Journalismus des Bonn Institututes und der DW.

Portrait of Cagri Oezdemir.


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LVR LandesMuseum

// Workshop II

Mit Festivalticket

Catalysing Engagement and Overcoming News Avoidance in Turkey with Constructive Journalism

With Çağrı Özdemir, Özge Artunç und Seyit Mirik

+90, part of DW, champions constructive journalism in Turkey, is merging tradition and modernity in a tough media landscape. We're innovating story formats to spotlight solutions and inspire change. By countering news fatigue with engaging, interactive narratives, we're reviving interest in context and in-depth content. Our approach fosters trust, hope, and proactive dialogue. We'll share our impact, highlighting co-jo's role in a more inclusive, action-driven Turkish media.

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Workshop 3

Mit Festivalticket

Constructive Journalism at +90: Overcoming challenges and fostering engagement in Turkey

With Çağrı Özdemir, Özge Artunç, Defne Altıok und Lars Boering

Discover how +90, part of Deutsche Welle, overcame hurdles to deliver quality journalism in Turkey's challenging political landscape. At our proposed panel discussion at b° future festival, we share lessons from tackling the 2023 earthquakes and covering the recent general election. Learn about the power of constructive journalism and help shape the future of media in Turkey and beyond.