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Uwe H. Martin has been documenting the social and ecological consequences of global agriculture since 2007. His research has appeared in publications such as Spiegel, Geo, and Süddeutsche Zeitung, and has been exhibited internationally as spatial multi-channel multimedia installations. In addition to his documentary-artistic practice, he teaches journalism, multimedia storytelling, and design worldwide. He also works in interdisciplinary teams to develop solutions that empower people to achieve long-term independence and foster sustainable change for society and the environment.

Portraitfoto von Uwe Martin.
Credits: Frauke Huber


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Design Offices

// WorkLab II

Festival ticket required

Transition Journalism: How journalists can contribute to solving 21st century crises

With Uwe H. Martin

In the hands-on workshop "Transition Journalism," we explore what journalists can contribute to solving the crises of the 21st century when they combine constructive journalism with eco-social design approaches.