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Uwe H. Martin is an independent slow journalist, visual storyteller, artist, and educator. He has documented global agriculture's social and environmental consequences since 2007, bridging traditional journalistic publications, linear web documentaries, interactive apps, spatial multichannel installations, and performances. Uwe teaches eco-social design, photography, film, journalism, and storytelling for eco-social impact at universities, workshops, and journalism schools worldwide. He strives to empower people to become independent, expand their scope of action, and bring about lasting changes in society and the environment.

Uwe H. Martin


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Design Offices

// WorkLab II

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Transition Journalism: How journalists can contribute to solving 21st century crises

With Uwe H. Martin

In the hands-on workshop "Transition Journalism," we explore what journalists can contribute to solving the crises of the 21st century when they combine constructive journalism with eco-social design approaches.