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Susanne Amann wants to bring quality journalism and digitization together. At the weekly news magazine DER SPIEGEL, she has helped lead the merger of the online and print teams. She has also served as business editor, department head and spokesperson for the staff holding company. Amann began her journalism career studying political science and journalism in Leipzig and Madrid, followed by a traineeship at the German national daily taz. She also studied news innovation at the City University of New York and co-founded the association Dverse Media, which promotes greater diversity and innovation in journalism. Amann is a recipient of the Arthur F. Burns Fellowship. She is a member of the Bonn Institute's Board of Trustees.

Susanne Amann
Credits: Manfred Witt


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Sternlichtspiele - Kino

// Saal 1

Krisen, Kriege, Katastrophen – nur noch zum Abschalten?

Mit Katrin Eigendorf, Daniel Kraft, Ulla Fiebig, Gordian Fritz and Susanne Amann

In Zeiten von Krisen ziehen sich immer mehr Menschen zurück und meiden den Nachrichtenkonsum. Besonders viele junge Leute können mit den herkömmlichen Medienangeboten wenig anfangen. Was bedeuten diese Entwicklungen für unsere Demokratie? Und was können die Medien selbst tun, um diesen Trends entgegenzuwirken? Wie muss Journalismus sich verändern, wenn sich um uns herum alles ändert?

Session recordings