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Jochen Spangenberg works at the interface between journalism, IT and media in the area of research and cooperation projects at Deutsche Welle. For ten years, he has been working on the topic of disinformation and (partially) automated analysis / verification of digital content in a journalistic context.

He is also a lecturer at the Institute for Journalism and Communication Studies at the Free University of Berlin and goes into schools, organized by the non-governmental organization Lie Detectors, to teach media literacy to students. He is a member of the advisory boards of EDMO, CEDMO and GADMO, European initiatives against disinformation.

Jochen Spangenberg
DW Kornelia Danetzki


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University Bonn

// Hörsaal IV

Festival ticket required

Analysing and verifying images and video

With Jochen Spangenberg

The session will showcase a tool that can be used to analyse and verify digital images and videos. It is a publicly available tool, developed in EU funded research projects, used by 90,000+ users.

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Design Offices

// WorkLab I

Festival ticket required

Dealing with potentially disturbing digital content – avoiding trauma, guarding mental health

With Jochen Spangenberg

Dealing with digital content can have negative impacts on mental health. This session raises awareness about the potential of secondary trauma when doing digital investigations, and provides tips and techniques for guarding mental wellbeing.