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Ellen Heinrichs began her career at the regional newspaper Rheinische Post and came to Germany's foreign broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) via positions at international organisations. A trained journalist, she first helped establish the DW Akademie and then drove digitalisation in DW's programming. She helped found the internal network DW Minds and the DW Innovation Lab. She was the first German to be a fellow at the Constructive Institute at Aarhus University in Denmark. Ellen is a speaker, mediator, agile culture coach and solutions journalism trainer.

Portrait of Ellen Heinrichs
Credits: Bettina Koch


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Sternlichtspiele - Kino

// Saal 1

Journalismus in Krisenzeiten: Wer moderiert den öffentlichen Diskurs?

Mit Nathanael Liminski, Tom Buhrow, Nayla Fawzi, Helge Matthiesen and Ellen Heinrichs

Viele von uns spüren, dass gesellschaftliche Konflikte in letzter Zeit intensiver werden. Dies trägt zu einem allgemeinen Gefühl der Unsicherheit und Unruhe bei. In solchen Zeiten gibt es zwar keinen Mangel an Informationen, aber es fehlt oft an konstruktiven Diskussionen darüber, wie wir gemeinsam eine bessere Zukunft gestalten können. Welche Rolle können die Medien in dieser Situation spielen?

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Auditorium

Festival ticket required


With Kübra Gümüşay, Markus Beckedahl and Ellen Heinrichs

The grand opening of the inaugural b° future festival for journalism and constructive dialogue is here! Why is a journalism festival that gazes into the future, ignites hope, and celebrates diversity more crucial than ever, especially in times of crisis? Why are we opening the doors of much of our program to the very people we work for – our fantastic audience? Listen to what Ellen Heinrichs, Markus Beckedahl and Kübra Gümüsay have got to say!

Session recordings