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Colmantstraße 14-16
53115 Bonn

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Auditorium

Festival ticket required


With Kübra Gümüşay, Markus Beckedahl and Ellen Heinrichs

The grand opening of the inaugural b° future festival for journalism and constructive dialogue is here! Why is a journalism festival that gazes into the future, ignites hope, and celebrates diversity more crucial than ever, especially in times of crisis? Why are we opening the doors of much of our program to the very people we work for – our fantastic audience? Listen to what Ellen Heinrichs, Markus Beckedahl and Kübra Gümüsay have got to say!

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Auditorium

Festival ticket required

What are the world's newsrooms doing with AI this year?

With Charlie Beckett

Prof. Charlie Beckett of the LSE's JournalismAI project gives a sneak peak at their latest global survey of 100 newsrooms around the world. He will reveal how they are responding to the latest developments in AI technology, such as ChatGTP.

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Workshop 4

Festival ticket required

Fakt oder Fake: Verifikation von Online-Inhalten für Journalist:Innen

Mit Bernd Oswald

Gefälschte Accounts, aus dem Kontext gerissene Bilder und jetzt noch KI-generierte Inhalte: Noch nie war es so leicht, manipulierte und irreführende Inhalte zu erstellen. In diesem Workshop üben wir, wie man als Journalist:in falschen Content entlarvt - mit einer Kombination aus geschultem Blick und nützlichen Tools.

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Seminarraum 1

Festival ticket required

How to create reporter mission statements & staff bios that build trust

With Nicole Ely and Lynn Walsh

Learn how to create an individual mission statement for your reporting. The Trusting News team will share data about why this is important and why it works and then walk you through how to create one and where to share it.

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Workshop 3

Festival ticket required

Building Bridges: Constructive Journalism, Threads and the Power of Community Management

With Yasmina Al-Gannabi

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Auditorium

Festival ticket required

Humans AND Machines: How to use AI constructively

With Charlie Beckett, Astrid Maier, Christina Elmer and Peter Damgaard-Kristensen

Generative Artificial Intelligence has taken center stage this year, sparking responses from media companies worldwide. Get ready to dive deep into the AI-human collaboration at the b° future festival!

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Workshop I

Festival ticket required

Are the kids ok?

With Diana Filimon

We often hear statistics – some bad, some good – about how Gen Z is growing up. Their values, their habits, and their understanding of what is happening will shape the world. So what is Gen Z really like? Are they anarchists? Libertarians? Socialists? Do they care about the climate change? Will they be kinder or more cruel? Will they be able to face the world as it is now? Diana Filimon will share her thoughts after over 6 years of coordinating and implementing both online and offline projects focused entirely on our youngest generation. Spoiler alert: it's complicated.

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Workshop 1

Festival ticket required

unbubble - Wie ZDFkultur mit Menschen für Menschen gesellschaftsrelevante Angebote schafft

Mit Vanessa Olivier and Leonie Steinfeld

'Raus aus der Blase, rein in den Austausch!' Mit diesem Versprechen ging das Format unbubble im vergangenen Jahr auf YouTube an den Start. Auftrag des Angebots: Brücken bauen in einer Gesellschaft, die durch Zersplitterung und Konfliktlinien geprägt ist.

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Workshop 4

Festival ticket required

Konstruktiver Journalismus in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft

Mit Heike Zahn, Melis Içten-Löffler, Kübra Idi and Özge M. Kabukçu

Wir brauchen in Deutschland nicht nur mehr Formate für Menschen mit Migrationsgeschichte, sondern auch mehr Menschen mit Migrationsgeschichte in unseren Redaktionen. migratöchter versucht beides zu erfüllen, hier arbeiten junge Frauen mit nicht deutscher Herkunftsgeschichte an einem Instagram Account, der ihre Perspektiven, Themen, Struggles abbildet und der Empowerment und Vielfalt für die Nutzer:innen anbieten will und für Sichtbarkeit sorgt.

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Workshop 3

Festival ticket required

Ich will …. - wie können Medien Bedürfnisse erfüllen

Mit Gabriele Holzner

Warum nutzen Menschen Medien? Sie wollen abschalten, sich informieren, etwas erleben, oder sich und ihre Leben wiederfinden. Und wann sind sie zufrieden mit dem, was sie gerade "konsumieren"? Wahrscheinlich, wenn das Angebot (Sendung, Format, Timeline, Account) zur Stimmung und zu den momentanen Bedürfnissen passt. Und wie können jetzt Journalist*innen sich diese Bedürfnisse zu eigen machen, und beherzigen, wenn sie schreiben, moderieren, Filme, Beiträge oder Formate machen. Und Bedürfnisse ins Zentrum stellen, wenn sie doch einen Auftrag haben. Das Bedürfnismodell könnte eine Antwort sein.

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Auditorium

Festival ticket required

Navigating Complexity: Climate Reporting for Engaged Audiences  

With Alexandra Borchardt, Ruona Meyer, Lisa Urlbauer and Peter Schniering

The climate crisis is not only a scientific and environmental concern but a deeply interconnected challenge that touches every aspect of human life. How can journalists effectively engage our audience with the intricacies of the complex and abstract climate crisis? In this panel discussion, we will unravel hands-on approaches to bridge the gap between complex climate science and public understanding.

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Seminarraum 1

Festival ticket required

Keine Angst vor Community Management – So gelingt der Dialog in den Kommentarspalten

Mit Sophia Krafft

Endlich! Euer Kanal wird immer erfolgreicher. Die Community wächst und damit auch das Kommentarvolumen. Ihr wollt wissen, wie ihr den Stress im CM minimiert und die Bindung eurer Community zum Kanal maximiert?

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Workshop 3

Festival ticket required

Focusing on human experiences and solutions, for more constructive and inclusive conflict reporting

With Méline Laffabry

How can focusing on human experiences and solutions from the ground help journalists give their audience a more accurate representation of the world?

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Workshop 2

Festival ticket required

Welcome to the Loyalty Economy – Warum der Journalismus nicht auf Aufmerksamkeit, sondern auf Vertrauen setzen sollte

Mit Christian Simon

Traffic, Reichweite, Attention Economy – diese Begriffe bestimmten in der letzten Dekade den Alltag vieler Redaktionen. Angesichts der Entwicklungen um die großen Plattformen, der Atomisierung des Publikums und das Ende der Viral-Medien ist es vielleicht an der Zeit, diese Begriffe zu beerdigen.

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Seminarraum 1

Festival ticket required

Wir brauchen mehr Gründungen im Journalismus! Wie schaffen wir das?

Mit Tobias Hauswurz, Pauline Tillmann, Dörthe Ziemer and Christian Herrendorf

In diesem Panel wollen wir diskutieren, welche Vorraussetzungen es für erfolgreiche Mediengründungen im Journalismus braucht. Wir stellen Ansätze vor, sprechen über Erfahrungen von Gründerinnen und schauen, wie es andere machen.

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Workshop 1

Festival ticket required

What we have learned during our fellowship at the Constructive Institute

With Nanna Holst and Jesper Himmelstrup

In Aarhus, Denmark, you can get a 10-month education as a constructive journalist. Learn more about the works and meet two former fellows from The Constructive Institute. 

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Workshop 3

Festival ticket required

Constructive Journalism at +90: Overcoming challenges and fostering engagement in Turkey

With Çağrı Özdemir, Özge Artunç, Defne Altıok and Lars Boering

Discover how +90, part of Deutsche Welle, overcame hurdles to deliver quality journalism in Turkey's challenging political landscape. At our proposed panel discussion at b° future festival, we share lessons from tackling the 2023 earthquakes and covering the recent general election. Learn about the power of constructive journalism and help shape the future of media in Turkey and beyond.

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Workshop 4

Festival ticket required

Trauma-informed interviewing — what to consider when interviewing children, migrants and other people who have been affected by trauma

With Irene Caselli

How do journalists report ethically and effectively on children and other people who have faced traumatic events and involve them in their reporting without causing further harm? This workshop will help deepen people's understanding of what trauma is and how to do interviewing that is trauma-informed and does not retraumatise children and other survivors, creating check-lists of what to consider before, during and after an interview.

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Auditorium

Festival ticket required

Build Trust with underrepresented Communities

With Derrick Cain and Aparna Mukherjee

How do you engage with underserved communities? Does your audience feel heard and represented? During this talk, you will learn about Resolve Philly's community engagement strategies.

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Workshop 3

Festival ticket required

How to diversify your newsroom

With Zahra Salah Uddin

How journalists interact with international teammates greatly matters for the success of cross-border collaborations. The effects of implicit bias, lack of awareness about privileges, or the overall lack of diversity in the field of journalism have given priority to white, male, and western voices over others. This norm is in conflict with the traditional understanding of journalists as neutral, objective, and impartial observers of the world and risks omitting perspectives that are necessary for understanding the whole picture.

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Seminarraum 1

Festival ticket required

Nachrichtenmüde – und jetzt?

Mit Thomas Rebbe

Die Nachrichtenmüdigkeit in der Bevölkerung steigt. Wie schaffen es Redaktionen, die Wahrnehmung von Journalismus zu verbessern? Ein Werkstattbericht von WEB.DE/ GMX News zeigt, wie wir mit der Journalism Trust Initiative mehr Transparenz schaffen und Feedback unserer Leser*innen nutzen, um ihre Bedürfnisse zu erkennen und zu erfüllen.

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Workshop 2

Festival ticket required

I’ve asked for feedback, what’s next?

With Lynn Walsh

Newsrooms are getting better at gathering feedback, but what happens next? In this session, learn best practices for: 1. Sharing what you are hearing with your newsroom 2. Determining how to act on feedback 3. Sharing your actions and results from feedback with your community.

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Workshop 4

Festival ticket required

Für besseren Diskurs und Empowerment unserer Nutzer:innen brauchen wir eine neue Redaktion. Hier ist sie!

Mit Tom Klein

Ja, der Journalismus muss konstruktiver werden, bedürfnisorientierter, empowernder, dialogischer. Aber wie? Und mit welcher Ressourcenverteilung? Unser Redaktionsmodell der Zukunft weist den Weg zu den Antworten, indem es Community-orientierten Journalismus in den Fokus stellt.

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Workshop 1

Festival ticket required

Chain Reactions – Klimajournalismus, der Grenzen überwindet  

Mit Felix Austen

Gemeinsam mit dem Cross-Border Journalismus-Netzwerk Hostwriter, hat Perspective Daily das Projekt "Chain Reactions" gestartet. Es verbindet Journalist:innen aus dem globalen Süden mit Kolleg:innen aus dem globalen Norden. Gemeinsam gehen sie auf die Suche nach Lösungen im Kampf gegen die Klima- und Biodiversitätskrise - untersuchen aber auch deren Auswirkungen auf die Sphäre des jeweils anderen.

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Seminarraum 1

Festival ticket required

How to Formatentwicklung - Wie wir an einem Strang gezogen haben, um die ARD zu verändern

Mit Christin Schulz, Johan Helmer Hein and Anne Kathrin Thüringer

Stellen Sie sich vor, es ist ARD und keiner klickt hin… Um das zu vermeiden, haben sich im Frühjahr 2022 Formatentwicklerinnen aus allen Landesrundfunkanstalten der ARD und der Deutschen Welle sowie Audiothek und Mediathek zusammengetan. Ihr Wissen haben sie in dem ARD Playbook Formatentwicklung vereint. Ein Tool für alle Journalistinnen, die auch in Zukunft erfolgreiche, digitale und Nutzer*innenzentrierte Formate entwickeln wollen.

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Workshop 3

Festival ticket required

Communicate, Don’t (Just) Infuriate: Strengthening how journalism converses with the world

With Allen Arthur and Kristine Villanueva

What do restorative justice, community psychology, and the amygdala have in common? They can each help journalists get healthier outcomes from their reporting.

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Workshop 1

Festival ticket required

Konstruktiver Klimajournalismus zwischen individuellen und systemischen Lösungen

Mit Felix Austen, Martin Tillich, Theresa Leisgang, Charleen Florijn and Chris Vielhaus

Konstruktiver Journalismus steckt oft in einer Zwickmühle, wenn es um Lösungsansätze geht: Persönliche Verhaltensweisen haben Charme, die lassen sich relativ leicht ändern. Aber eine echte Hebelwirkung haben systemische Lösungen. Wie kann sich konstruktiver Journalismus hier positionieren, um Hilflosigkeit bei Leser:innen zu überwinden, sich aber nicht im Klein-klein um Plastikstrohhalme und korallenrettende Sonnencremes zu verlieren?

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Auditorium

Festival ticket required

How constructive journalism pays off for audiences and the media

With Manuela Kasper-Claridge, Mark Sappenfield, Lars Boering and Gordian Fritz

To reach audiences in times of increasing news avoidance and decreasing trust, many media organizations worldwide are focussing more on constructive reporting. But how much does this actually boost success? What KPIs indicate that constructive reporting is not just good for society, but does also pay off for media organizations?

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Workshop 2

Festival ticket required

Better Listening - Shortcut To A More Listening Mindset In The Newsroom

With Nanna Holst

"Let's talk more about how the media can show greater trust in the population by listening and involving our taget audiences. I have developed a model for building a more active and systematic listening mindset. The Better Listening Method helps to create results by including and listening methodically to those we are put in the world for. So they will continue to see the value in listening to us." - Nanna Holst

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Workshop 2

Festival ticket required

How can we effectively combat disinformation?

With Caroline Lindekamp, Joscha Weber, Rachel Baig and Kian Badrnejad

"On every social media platform, we encounter a plethora of false information, propaganda, and fakes. With the rise of AI applications, the question of what is authentic and what is not has become more pressing than ever. Journalism must provide constructive answers in this scenario - but how? How effective are fact-checks, explainers for improving media literacy, and preventive measures?

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Workshop 4

Festival ticket required

From propaganda to truth: engaging undemocratic audiences in times of war and fake news

With Ilona Vinogradova

How to rebuild trust and maintain audience engagement with people living under the bombardment of state propaganda, which often portrays independent or foreign media as “fake news”, “foreign agents”, or “enemies”? Inspirational and solution-focused talk based on my recent work and interviews with over 50 journalists, producers and editors from diverse countries, such as Afghanistan, Sudan, Russia, China, Hong Kong, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Burma, Mexico, Iran and many others.

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Workshop 1

Festival ticket required

Journalism learns to listen - Community engagement workflows in practice

With Martin Tege, Julia Hildebrand, Jos van Essen and Jey Wegner

We talk about how community journalism is key to large scale investigations and small scale engagement, to the development of participation models in cities and how it leads to sustainable business models. We focus especially on how independent newsrooms can establish the workflows and choose the right toolstack to make these practices a daily routine.

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Auditorium

Festival ticket required

Breaking news, not breaking news gatherers – how focussing on the wellbeing of our journalists will make journalism better

With Hannah Storm

In this keynote, Hannah Storm will share how her mental health journey has taught her about the power of empathy in newsrooms, and how when we create cultures where people feel safe to share their stories, our journalists and journalism can thrive.

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Seminarraum 1

Festival ticket required

Stop News-caping!  How to stay relevant for GenZ

With Meinolf Ellers and Maja Micudova

The alienation between Generation TikTok and journalism is greater than ever. Studies like the Reuters Digital News Report confirm new phenomena such as news avoidance, mistrust towards information media, and a lack of knowledge in dealing with disinformation. With a broad partner network, the European initiative #UseTheNews aims to stop this trend and inspire 14 to 24-year-olds with new concepts for news.

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Auditorium

Festival ticket required

What’s behind news fatigue, and what can we do about it?

With Nic Newman and Anita Zielina

Anita Zielina and Nic Newman will discuss the issues and possible solutions surrounding the topic of news avoidance.