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Festival ticket required
Colmantstraße 14-16
53115 Bonn
The event will be held in English.
What was the last time when you checked and updated your editorial processes, like correction policies for example? Is your staff, including external contributors, well trained and aware of the standards that your brand rests on? Do they share the same ethical principles guiding your collaborative work? How transparent are you vis-à-vis the communities that you serve? How much do other stakeholders, like advertisers or donors know about the essence of your craft in order to invest in it? The JTI provides answers to these questions and more. It is both an internal diagnostic and compliance tool, as well as an external transparency and accountability platform. Built on a one-of-a-kind ISO-type standard for trustworthy journalism, it provides the legitimacy, logic and infrastructure for media outlets of all stripes to shine. Starting with a fully internal self-assessment – and optimisation where needed, through external and standardised, machine-readable disclosure, up to an optional, external audit and official certification, the JTI can help to distinguish journalism online in order to make it more visible and eventually more sustainable. Our workshop will provide a range of practical use cases to explain and discuss how the JTI could be implemented to enhance ethical journalism and turn it into a competitive advantage, but also which challenges and requirements this entails.