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Verena Lammert has been an editor at the German regional public broadcaster WDR in Cologne since 2009. Her topics include digitization, storytelling, millennial journalism, Eastern Europe, feminism and New Work. Previously she has worked at the radio stations 1LIVE, Lokalzeit Bonn and the socio-political women's television magazine Frau tv. There, she was largely responsible for the social media strategy; in this capacity, she designed the Instagram presence @maedelsabende, which was awarded the Grimme Online Award, among other prizes. After that, she worked as an editor in digital innovation in the newsroom of WDR, developed the TikTok news channel @nicetoknow, and built up a young news team. Currently, she's back at Frau tv in a new position dedicated to digital storytelling and community journalism. She also runs her own media consulting company Kooperative W, where she acts as a trainer and speaker for digital and women's issues.

Verena Lammert


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–Abgesagt– Journalismus im Dialog – Wie schaffe ich den Perspektivwechsel?

Mit Verena Lammert

Das Ziel: Das Publikum kennenlernen. Aber wie setzen Redaktionen die Methode "Dialog" gewinnbringend im Arbeitsalltag ein? Sind nur soziale Netzwerke ein Gamechanger? Wir schauen auf Co-Creation, Communities und Dialog-Tools. Wo sind wir an Grenzen gekommen? Was konnten wir lernen? Wie landen die Perspektiven im Programm?