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Rina works for the European Forest Institute. Her work involves online media analyses to explore public issues and narratives around global/European forests. She has years of experience connecting journalism and science and has recently started a PhD at Wageningen University to pursue research on the role of social media in forest policy debates. Before joining EFI, she worked for the European Journalism Centre, developing initiatives to help newsrooms adapt to societal changes.

Picture of Rinu Tsubaki
Credits: The Lookout Station


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// Green Tent

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Social media and polarisation: what (else) do we see in environmental debates online?  

With Rina Tsubaki and Rahel Könen

How do social media and journalistic practices on these platforms contribute to the polarisation of public debates on issues like forest fires, wildlife protection, and rewilding? Do social media polarise debates, or do they bring different communities of actors together? Most importantly, what do our online mapping analyses tell us about the media's role when climate-linked events unfold? This workshop will explore the materials from our research to close-read, co-interpret, and collectively reflect on “what happens” on social media platforms at different levels of engagement.