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Rachel Baig is a journalist and media trainer at Germany's international broadcaster Deutsche Welle and DW Akademie, mainly in the news team. She is a founding member of DW's fact-checking team and moderates the fact-checking format for social media in English. She is also responsible for training DW colleagues on verification and fact-checking. She started her traineeship at DW in 2011, having previously studied English Language and Cultural Studies with a focus on Postcolonial Studies in Paderborn and La Laguna. She is also a media trainer and has already helped fact-checking groups in Pakistan, Namibia, Ethiopia and Mongolia get on their feet.

Rachel Baig


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LVR LandesMuseum

// Workshop 2

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How can we effectively combat disinformation?

With Caroline Lindekamp, Joscha Weber, Rachel Baig and Kian Badrnejad

"On every social media platform, we encounter a plethora of false information, propaganda, and fakes. With the rise of AI applications, the question of what is authentic and what is not has become more pressing than ever. Journalism must provide constructive answers in this scenario - but how? How effective are fact-checks, explainers for improving media literacy, and preventive measures?