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Martin Oetting has a business background, worked in advertising and then helped build word-of-mouth marketing as a discipline in Europe through blogging, his PhD on the subject and by building a European influencer marketing agency. In early 2016, he left the marketing industry . Today he runs Omnipolis Media, a political media company. His first major project was Coffee & Capital, a year-long public discussion about the state of our democracies and the future of capitalism and democracy. The second project is vollehalle, a political stage show that looks at the state of the world and what needs to be done in light of climate change. He has also written, directed, edited and produced a feature-length documentary about two remarkable people who are helping to steer our global economy away from its self-destructive growth trajectory.

Martin Oetting


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Sternlichtspiele - Kino

// Saal 1

vollehalle – Auf der Suche nach dem Morgen  

Mit Kai Schächtele, Maren Kling, Michael Bukowski and Martin Oetting

Wer sich mit den vielen Krisen unserer Zeit beschäftigt, kommt irgendwann an den Punkt, wo man nachts nicht mehr schlafen und tags nicht mehr denken kann. Genau deswegen macht das Ensemble vollehalle Lust auf Veränderung. Vier Menschen gehen auf die Suche nach inspirierenden Ideen und Geschichten jener, die sich sagen: Nicht zu handeln ist die schlechteste Lösung von allen.

Session recordings