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Maja Micudova comes from Slovakia and has been living in the Netherlands since her studies more than twelve years ago. She is a project manager at #UseTheNews Netherlands, leading WhatZ Next project that aims to provide journalists with creative ideas for young audiences, using constructive approach. She also works as an editor for the agenda service of the Dutch press agency ANP.

Maja Micudova


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LVR LandesMuseum

// Seminarraum 1

Festival ticket required

Stop News-caping!  How to stay relevant for GenZ

With Meinolf Ellers and Maja Micudova

The alienation between Generation TikTok and journalism is greater than ever. Studies like the Reuters Digital News Report confirm new phenomena such as news avoidance, mistrust towards information media, and a lack of knowledge in dealing with disinformation. With a broad partner network, the European initiative #UseTheNews aims to stop this trend and inspire 14 to 24-year-olds with new concepts for news.