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Jörg Schieb is one of the most well-known and respected authors on digital topics in Germany. In the 1980s and 90s, he wrote dozens of successful guidebooks, introducing people to technology topics such as operating systems like Windows, but especially the internet. Over the years, more than 130 titles have been published and sold worldwide – even in the USA – with a total circulation of over 2 million copies.

Due to his ability to present complex matters understandably and his excellent industry contacts, Jörg Schieb soon began writing for major media outlets: In the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, he was one of the first to write about the internet, as well as in the German business newspaper Handelsblatt, and the German magazines Wirtschaftswoche, DER SPIEGEL, and STERN. Since the mid-90s, Jörg Schieb has primarily worked for German broadcasters ARD and WDR. He has his own weekly segment called Angeklickt on WDR television (and Tagesschau24), in which he critically examines digitization and sheds light on its societal consequences in recent years. Schieb is also in high demand on various radio broadcasters.

Jörg Schieb critically and comprehensibly contextualizes current events and trends in the realm of digitization. He is also an experienced and inspiring speaker who captivates and engages the audience. Thanks to his extensive TV experience, he can effortlessly moderate demanding panels or events.

Jörg Schieb


 –  h

Universität Bonn

// Festsaal

Wie Künstliche Intelligenz den Journalismus verändert

Mit Jörg Schieb

Künstliche Intelligenz wird wenige Branchen so schnell und maßgeblich verändern wie den Journalismus: Denn Chatbots wie ChatGPT können nicht nur Alltagsaufgaben übernehmen, sondern jetzt schon brauchbare Texte erstellen. Das wird Arbeitsplätze kosten – und alle verbleibenden Arbeitsplätze verändern. Darüber hinaus müssen Journalist:innen lernen, mit durch KI-Modelle erzeugte Medien wie Audios, Fotos und Videos umzugehen.

Session recordings