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Florian Sturm works as a freelance journalist for various magazines and newspapers in Germany and abroad, especially in the fields of science, conservation, society and the outdoors. From 2017 to 2022, he was a permanent editorial member at Medium magazine. He was the initiator and co-founder of the project CO2mmitted Media - Journalism with Climate Responsibility and is currently a fellow with the R&D Fellowship from Media Lab Bayern and (with CO2mmitted Media) of the WPK Innovation Fund, where he is researching ways in which the entire media industry can improve its climate footprint.

Florian Sturn


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Vom Wissen ins Handeln: So geht Journalismus mit Klimaverantwortung  

Mit Sonja Schwetje, Florian Sturm, Donata Dröge and Jens Schröder

Der Journalismus muss nachhaltiger werden. Und zwar nicht nur verlags- und redaktionsintern, sondern branchenweit. Bislang fehlte ein Konzept, wie der Journalismus ganzheitlich Klimaverantwortung für die Emissionen übernimmt, die er selbst verursacht. Dabei liegen die Lösungen längst parat.