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After the number of media offerings in the German city of Düsseldorf dropped significantly over a few years, Christian Herrendorf and three co-founders launched a crowdfunding effort to start the local news website VierNull (transl: 4-0 for the local zipcode). It offers a well-researched and well-written local story every morning from Monday to Friday, as well as a personal newsletter - free of advertising and financed exclusively through subscriptions. Herrendorf, a political scientist, was born and raised in Düsseldorf and always stayed. VierNull has developed so nicely that Christian is now not only its editorial director, but also a city guide, podcast narrator and protagonist on the stage of a sold-out club where he usually sees his favorite bands.

Christian Herrendorf
© Andreas Enderman VierNull


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LVR LandesMuseum

// Seminarraum 1

Festival ticket required

Wir brauchen mehr Gründungen im Journalismus! Wie schaffen wir das?

Mit Tobias Hauswurz, Pauline Tillmann, Dörthe Ziemer and Christian Herrendorf

In diesem Panel wollen wir diskutieren, welche Vorraussetzungen es für erfolgreiche Mediengründungen im Journalismus braucht. Wir stellen Ansätze vor, sprechen über Erfahrungen von Gründerinnen und schauen, wie es andere machen.